[2006 중국, China] 北京 4 – Beijing 4

사실상 베이징에서의 마지막 날, 헤어지면 섭섭할셰라 함께했던 사람들과 기념촬영을 했다.

The last day in Beijing. We took a picture all together.

저 분이 그동안 수고하신 운전기사 아저씨

That old man is the kind private driver.

오늘은 첫 날 대충 봤던 천안문 광장과 자금성을 보기로 했다.

We planned to visit GoGung and TianAnMen square.

천안문 광장에서

In the TianAnMen square


Mr. Jwa

저 멀리 자금성 입구가 보인다.

Enterance to GoGung.

자금성은 진짜 어마어마하게 크고 넓었다. 하필 내가 갔을 때 공사중이었다는 게 참 아쉽지만, 그래도 크긴 크더라.

GoGung was really huge!! Unfortunately, it was under construction, but it was still big.


Mr. Ju

화려한 천장 장식

Impressive ciel.

힘들어서 쉬는 좌호동

Mr. Jwa

자금성을 둘러싼 해자

Water-proof GoGung.

전차도 아니고 버스도 아닌 것이.....

Neither elec-tram nor bus...

퇴근하는 사람들.

People going home.

오후에는 왕푸징에서 환전도 하고 선물도 샀다. 환전할 때 왠 러시아 아가씨들이 여권을 안 가져왔다며 환전을 좀 부탁하던데 아 진짜 기가 막히게 예쁘더라. 차는 믿을만한 차 가게에서 샀는데 말 잘하는 규진이 덕분에 참 재미있는 구경을 했다. 짜식.

In the evening, we exchanged some money and purchased some gifts. When we exchanged money, some Russian girls asked us to exchange their money because they didn’t bring money. Anyway, they was so beautiful!! WOW. When shopping tea, because of Mr. Ju, it was so funny.


PuEr tea.

방에 돌아와서는 우리가 산 차가 제대로 된 건지 궁금해서 좀 뜯어다가 저렇게 확인을 해 봤다. 결론은, 잘 모르겠더라-_-;;

Coming back to the hotel, we were so curious about our tea. So we tasted some like that. Result : i don’t know.

5 thoughts on “[2006 중국, China] 北京 4 – Beijing 4”

  1. Hangzhou is in the east of China.It has a population of about 2 million. It is very beautiful.It is famous for the West Lake.There are many beautiful parks.There are many tall bulidings.Thousands of visitors come to Hangzhou. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter. It’s a good place for living. Welcome to hangzhou!!

  2. Hangzhou is in the east of China.It has a population of about 2 million. It is very beautiful.It is famous for the West Lake.There are many beautiful parks.There are many tall bulidings.Thousands of visitors come to Hangzhou. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter. It’s a good place for living. Welcome to hangzhou!!

  3. Hangzhou is in the east of China.It has a population of about 2 million. It is very beautiful.It is famous for the West Lake.There are many beautiful parks.There are many tall bulidings.Thousands of visitors come to Hangzhou. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter. It’s a good place for living. Welcome to hangzhou!!

  4. Hangzhou is in the east of China.It has a population of about 2 million. It is very beautiful.It is famous for the West Lake.There are many beautiful parks.There are many tall bulidings.Thousands of visitors come to Hangzhou. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter. It’s a good place for living. Welcome to hangzhou!!

  5. Hangzhou is in the east of China.It has a population of about 2 million. It is very beautiful.It is famous for the West Lake.There are many beautiful parks.There are many tall bulidings.Thousands of visitors come to Hangzhou. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter. It’s a good place for living. Welcome to hangzhou!!

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